Adoration of the majesty of a 900 kg albino elephant that lives like royalty in Thailand

In a uniquely rare display of affection and care for animals, the Thai community is fostering admiration and clear reverence for a massive elephant known as “White…

Migal: Only Pure White Humpback Whale In The World. #AnimalLovers #Wildlife #Pets #Dogs #Cats #Birds #Reptiles #Fish #Insects #Mammals #Butterflies #Amphibians

We accept nature in all its forms because, as humans, we are part of it and could not survive without it. On the other hand, nature has…

painted fish glitter shape, painted fish look like in ‘Avatar’. #Animals #WildAnimals #DomesticAnimals #fauna #Nature

Photos of a vibrantly colored fish that looks too striking to be real have gone viral on Japanese social media, leading many to wonder if it was…

Un ciempiés de 2,7 metros de largo fue descubierto en el Reino Unido

Esqueleto sorprendente de una criatura marina enigmática arrastrada por la tormenta Ciara deja perplejos a los habitantes de una playa en Escocia

El misterio rodea el esqueleto de una misteriosa criatura que se lavó en una playa escocesa durante la tormenta Ciara. La intrigante bestia fue encontrada en la…