Miraculous Elephant Rescue: Dramatic Liberation from Cable Snare in Shimba Hills!



In a remarkable incident on April 16, authorities were alerted to a distressing situation involving a lone elephant stranded at the KWS airstrip in Shimba Hills.

The massive creature had fallen victim to a cable trap tightly wound around its front left leg, causing a severe injury that separated it from its herd.

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Responding swiftly to the crisis, a ‘Sky Vet’ mission was organized, with a Cessna 206 taking off from Kaluku at 1:30 pm.

Led by KWS vet Dr. Poghon, the proficient team reached the Shimba Hills National Reserve on the south coast of Kenya within thirty minutes, ready to administer essential medical care.

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Upon landing, the team joined forces with KWS rangers, scouts, and private property owners, forming a united front to aid the distressed elephant.

The search, beginning early in the day, led to the discovery of the injured elephant hidden in dense vegetation.

Administering a tranquilizer dart presented challenges for Dr. Poghon due to the thick foliage, but the team eventually succeeded.

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Once sedated, the rescue team diligently worked to free the elephant from a thick wire cable snare, similar to those used in heavy-duty winches.

With delicate care, the team coaxed the loose snare and used bolt cutters to remove it. The wound was then treated with painkillers, anti-inflammatories, and antibiotics.

Remarkably, within just half an hour of treatment, the elephant regained the ability to stand independently, liberated from the wire trap that had ensnared it.

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Despite this success, given the severity of the injury, ongoing medical attention is likely. Local teams will continue to monitor and provide updates on the elephant’s progress.

Read more Elephant News.