Inter Miami’s third kit for next season is inspired by the NFL team, the Miami Dolphins

The kit designer @Tisan_Designs has envisioned and constructed the Inter Miami 2024 third kit mock-up with an exceedingly outstanding design. This mock-up was created based on the information that we have leaked about the third kit that would be used by Inter Miami in 2024 to invoke memories of the National Football League team Miami Dolphins.

A mock-up of the third kit for Inter Miami 2024

This picture provides a glimpse of the upcoming Adidas Club Internacional de Fútbol Miami 2024 third jersey, which may or may not be available in the future.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 1 người, đang chơi bóng bầu dục, đang chơi bóng đá và văn bản

A V-neck collar and characteristic cuffs are featured on the new Adidas Inter Miami 2024 third football jersey mock-up, which has a design that is reminiscent of the National Football League. The mock-up of the third uniform for Inter Miami CF 2024 is, for the most part, mint green, with orange and white highlights.

The Inter Miami crest is located in the middle of the chest, while a white sponsor logo is located at the bottom of the shirt. The Adidas logo is located in the middle of the collar.

Do you think it would be appropriate for Inter Miami’s new third uniform to be similar to the mock-up? Comment down below.

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