Lenana’s Inspiring Transformation: A Tale of Motherhood in the Wild

Lenana, a cherished elephant with a captivating history, has captivated our hearts for over 14 years.

Her incredible journey commenced when she was rescued as a young calf from the foothills of Mount Kenya after tragically losing her ailing mother.

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Lenana’s resilience and nurturing spirit flourished, turning her into a caring figure among other orphans at the Nursery and later at the Ithumba Reintegration Unit.

As Lenana transitioned into the wild, her maternal instincts evolved further, and she became her older elephant friends’ chosen nanny for the wild-born babies.

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Recently, we celebrated a heartwarming milestone in Lenana’s life as she embraced motherhood.

On August 24, at dawn, Lenana led a group of ex-orphans toward the Ithumba compound. Among them was a tiny new member—Lenana’s firstborn.

We named the spirited calf “Lapa,” meaning “moon” in the Samburu language, a fitting name for the magical moment of his introduction.

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Lapa’s first week was brimming with excitement. Lenana and her herd chose to stay close to Ithumba during the dry season, allowing us to witness his playful antics.

Despite his small size, Lapa radiated personality and fearlessness, establishing his presence among other young elephants.

The Ithumba herd, with nannies Siku and Kama, patiently adapted to Lapa’s energetic nature. Lenana’s vigilant care ensures Lapa’s safety, even during mischievous ventures like a playful tumble into the water trough.

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Head Keeper Benjamin, an experienced lifeguard for ex-orphan babies, stood ready to assist, highlighting the challenges and joys of raising a young elephant.

Motherhood signifies a poignant milestone for orphans like Lenana, symbolizing successful reintegration into the wild.

Lapa, born into this world of love and support, represents the 37th wild baby born to orphans we rescued and raised.

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Each birth underscores the enduring impact of the Orphans’ Project, creating a legacy that spans generations.

From a rescued orphan to a confident wild mother, Lenana’s journey showcases the extraordinary outcomes achievable through compassion, dedication, and collaborative efforts between humans and elephants.

As we continue safeguarding Lenana and Lapa’s future, their story inspires us to persist in our conservation mission and nurture the remarkable wildlife that shares our planet.

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Read more Elephant News.

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