Heartwarming Miracle: Siamese Twin Baby Born with a Single Heart in Jakarta, Urgently Requires NICU Room

JAKARTA, Heading24 – Geva and Gama, baby twins Siam who was born in Kartika Pulomas Hospital, East Jakarta. Baby twins The conjoined has two heads, one body, and one heart.

“Baby it was born on Saturday 4 March 2023. Born twins Siamese. The names of the babies are Geva and Gama, “said uncle Geva and Gama, Gustaf.

Known, Geva and Gama are sons of Rama Yonathan and Febrianti Anastasya.

Geva and Gama currently need help in order to access space NICU for intensive care. Given the conditions baby twins the siam is not yet stable.

Quoted from the Tugu Rejo Hospital page, room NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit ) is room intensive care for baby ( until the age of 28 days ) and children who need special treatment and care, to prevent and treat the failure of vital organs.

“Baby it was born with the condition of 1 body 2 heads, 2 hands, 2 feet and 1 heart. Condition baby at present it is still unstable both of them are still using the help of breathing tools, “he said.

Therefore Geva and Gama are advised to be referred to Type A Hospital which has NICU. Whereas currently Geva and Gama are still in Kartika Pulomas Hospital which is a type CC hospital, and do not have space facilities NICU.

“At present the doctor still refers to more intensive care, namely to Type A Hospital which has NICU. Still at Pulomas Kartika Hospital, “his speech.

Gustaf said at this time the space facility NICU in some hospitals in Jakarta are full, while Geva and Gama need to be moved to the room immediately NICU.

Therefore Gustaf hopes that the local government will pay attention and assistance so that Geva and Gama can be immediately moved to the room NICU.

“We beg to be helped to baby Geva and Gama so that special attention from the government can be paid. Since the birth of March 4, doctors have referred to Type A Hospital which has NICU. But until now NICU everything is full. There was no rejection from the hospital, just NICU full. We hope to be helped soon, “said Gustaf.

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